Graphing Radical Functions
Complete the following steps:
  1. Graph the Radical Function f(x)=2x4\displaystyle {f{{\left({x}\right)}}}=\sqrt{{{2}{x}-{4}}} using your calculator.
  2. Identify the Horizontal Intercept as an Ordered Pair. If it does not exist, write DNE\displaystyle {D}{N}{E}
  3. Identify the Vertical Intercept as an Ordered Pair. If it does not exist, write DNE\displaystyle {D}{N}{E}
  4. Identify the Domain in Interval Notation
  5. Graph the function by plotting the left most or right most point (Depending on the Domain) and one other point
Write the horizontal-intercept as an ordered pair:
Write the vertical-intercept as an ordered pair:
Identify the Domain in Interval Notation:
Graph the function f(x)=2x4\displaystyle {f{{\left({x}\right)}}}=\sqrt{{{2}{x}-{4}}}
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