For data that is not normally distributed we can't use z-scores. However, there is an equation that works on any distribution. It's called Chebyshev's formula. The formula is p=11k2\displaystyle {p}={1}-\frac{{1}}{{{k}^{{2}}}} where p\displaystyle {p} is the minimum percentage of scores that fall within k\displaystyle {k} standard deviations on both sides of the mean. Use this formula to answer the following questions.

a) If you have scores and you don't know if they are normally distributed, find the minimum percentage of scores that fall within 2.2 standard deviations on both sides of the mean?  

b) If you have scores that are normally distributed, find the percentage of scores that fall within 2.2 standard deviations on both sides of the mean?  

c) If you have scores and you don't know if they are normally distributed, how many standard deviations on both sides of the mean do we need to go to have 82 percent of the scores?   

Note: To answer part c you will need to solve the equation for k.\displaystyle {k}.