A student was given a sample mixture of salt and sand. The mass of the sample was 2.48 grams.  The student added water to the salt and sand mixture.  The salt dissolved.  After filtration and evaporation, the student recovered and dried the salt, and found that it had a weight of 0.52 grams.  The student dried the insoluble residue of sand and found that it weighed 1.57 grams.


What is the mass of the original mixture?                        grams

What is the mass of just the salt in the mixture?              grams

Calculate the percent of salt in the original mixture.      %

What is the mass of just the sand in the mixture?            grams

Calculate the percent of sand in the original mixture.     

Calculate the total mass of the sand and salt recovered. grams

Calculate the percent recovery of the compounds, using the total mass of the substances recovered as the part, and the total original mass as the whole.     %

Calculate the experimental error for the separation of the components of the mixture.      %