The following table gives an estimate on the weekly number of hours of television that were watched by age range and gender during the 1970's, 1990's, and 2000's.

Age Range 1970's 1970's 1990's 1990's 2000's 2000's
  Men Women Men Women Men Women
0 - 18 years 7 6 17 17 21 22
19 - 40 years 14 19 25 24 33 32
41 - 60 years 15 13 22 23 28 27


Write a 3x3 matrix, M\displaystyle {M} , to represent the average weekly number of hours of television watched, by age and decade, for men.


Write a 3x3 matrix, W,\displaystyle {W}, to represent the average weekly number of hours of television watched, by age and decade, for women.


Find MW\displaystyle {M}-{W} .


What does the matrix MW\displaystyle {M}-{W} represent?