If you are not familiar with Excel, watch the 1st "Help" video before doing this assignment. Skip any advertisements in the videos.
Topic: Emergency Room visits
1. Create an Excel file with the data shown in the 1st 3 columns of this attached file: 0.3_Excel_Basics_CSmith3a.pdf
2. In column D (4th column) use Excel's capability to add the numbers in the 2nd and 3rd columns.
For row 2, in cell D2 enter "=B2+C2". The sum should show up when you press "Enter".
For row 3, in cell D3 enter "=B3+C3".
Continue this pattern for the rest of the rows.
The 2nd help video shows how to enter an addition formula and how to copy it to other cells.
Your instructor may ask you to insert one or more charts. Follow your instructor's directions.
3. Save your Excel file with the name "Excel_Basics_MyName" (Replace "MyName" with your own name, so I can give you credit.)
4. Upload your Excel file in the editor box below. To attach a file:
- Click the paperclip icon:
- For the description, enter your file's name
- In the Link box on the URL line, click the Browse icon at the right end of the line (a magnifying glass on Folder).
- Click the "Choose File" button and select the file from your computer you want to share
- Click the Upload Button
- The filename will appear at the top of the File Manager under "Just Uploaded". Click the file name to select it.
- Click "Insert" to insert your Excel file
6. Click "Submit"
Your Score will show up after your instructor grades your file. Do not delete the file from the File Manager or else your instructor will not be able to access it.