Complete each pair of equivalent statements with a number. Hint: Each letter is used once. Use whichever of the two equivalent statements you understand better.
- a b c d 226 hours is __% as much as 42 hours; __% of 42 hours is 226 hours.
- a b c d 226 hours is __% longer than 42 hours; a __% increase of 42 hours is 226 hours.
- a b c d 42 hours is __% as much as 226 hours; __% of 226 hours is 42 hours.
- a b c d 42 hours is __% shorter than 226 hours; a __% decrease of 226 hours is 42 hours.
∣ 226 − 42 ∣ 226 ⋅ 100 \displaystyle \frac{{\left|{226}-{42}\right|}}{{226}}\cdot{100} 226 ∣ 226 − 42 ∣ ⋅ 100
42 226 ⋅ 100 \displaystyle \frac{{42}}{{226}}\cdot{100} 226 42 ⋅ 100
226 42 ⋅ 100 \displaystyle \frac{{226}}{{42}}\cdot{100} 42 226 ⋅ 100
∣ 226 − 42 ∣ 42 ⋅ 100 \displaystyle \frac{{\left|{226}-{42}\right|}}{{42}}\cdot{100} 42 ∣ 226 − 42 ∣ ⋅ 100